
A 24-year Love Affair With a Truly Unique Airline

It all started innocently enough in Denver, Colorado. A truly unique airline is born. The “hometown airline” gets pulled together by a bunch of the hometown enthusiasts. A folksy and savvy CEO who prefers a rural existence, a few lightly-credentialed but experienced and caring executives, an extraordinarily disciplined, ethical, and qualified board of directors, and […]


The Effects of Faster and Cheaper Communication

The Effects of Faster Cheaper Communication can be hard to notice (and also challenging to handle when we recognize them). The cost of communication has steadily fallen since humans showed up all those years ago. The pace of decline has accelerated as computing power and network speeds continue their exponential growth. While the price has […]

Jeff Linroth Uncategorized

The Forecast Calls for..

Not the weather that’s far too easy. The economy? Nah, too useful. Instead Jeff Linroth forecasts.. Jeff Linroth forecasts the future…of the republic. Much is made of our current “polarization”, as if it is new. Actually there have been many ebbs and flows of discord among Americans, and for many reasons. We have always managed […]

Jeff Linroth Jeff Linroth Longmont Uncategorized

“I Want to See the Country”

“I want to see the country” is a phrase many of us have heard…usually accompanied by “When I retire and have time to travel”. A great way to “see the country” before you retire…is to take a different route each time you travel by car or train. An easy way to do this is to “collect […]

Jeff Linroth Longmont Uncategorized

Hello world!

Welcome to the Jeff Linroth website. It exists to share ideas that are intended to be helpful, meaningful, fun, or some combination of these. Enjoy!– Jeff Linroth – Longmont