Jeff Linroth Longmont

Work For It!

Most things are far better “worked for” than “fought for” Working for the Outcome We work to achieve outcomes on the job or in business. We also work in relationships, in volunteer efforts, and in other environments. This is a tried and true method for getting things done when sustained effort is required. It is […]

Jeff Linroth Jeff Linroth Longmont

Staying Organized

There is no shortage of people (and books), that pledge help and tools to get organized. It’s hard enough to get organized. It can be particularly hard to stay organized. One of the biggest reasons is that the benefits cited are often short-term and the techniques offered are tactical. The headline is usually some form […]

Jeff Linroth Jeff Linroth Longmont

The “Land of Can”

The Land of Canaan was a large and prosperous country. Today I propose that we can bring great and varied forms prosperity to everyone else as well as ourselves if we become citizens of “The Land of Can”. The Land of Can What is this Land? It is comprised of wonderful human beings who persist […]

Jeff Linroth Jeff Linroth Longmont

Love is a Verb

Much is made of how important it is to tell people you love them. This is indeed very important…but it must be preceded by deeds. Not only is love a verb…it is an action verb. If you want people to believe you when you say “I love you”, consistently extend yourself for their benefit. Be […]

Jeff Linroth Jeff Linroth Longmont

Spare Capacity

Benefits of Spare Capacity Operating with spare capacity provides a lot of things. Insurance, peace of mind, the ability to respond to the unforeseen, and endurance. It is hugely helpful to have spare time, spare financial resources, and spare emotional capacity. Remember, however, it’s all just time. 🙂 The False Virtue of “Busyness” It has […]